[The intro to Carly Rae Jepsen’s “Run Away With Me” blares in the distance as I vibrate into space]

But HEY, speaking of that new comic, that’s a thing! It’s called Hometown Ghosts, and you can get it on Gumroad for pay-what-you-want (which, for all intents and purposes, means free! But if you like it, think about chippin’ in a few bucks for it, eh?):

Hometown Ghosts is a comic reflecting on life a year after college; on meaning, creative and emotional listlessness, and breaking down self-made barriers to create your life. It kinda got way more personal and raw than I intended it to, but I’m really happy with it, and it would mean so much if you checked it out! The kind words from those who have read it are so humbling and I thank you deeply for them.

And double hey, I’m gonna be at IndyPopCon next weekend! If you see me, come say hi! I’ll be posting updates on my Twitter, and if you do happen to catch me, I’ll have some postcard prints on me to give out!