A six panel comic following a character called Cool Teen Mothman, illustrated as a bean-shaped blob with wings, red eyes, fuzzy antenna, and a backwards red baseball cap. The intro panel shows Cool Teen Mothman's head, wings spread out, with a speech bubble with a heart coming out from where his mouth would be. The first panel opens with Cool Teen Mothman sitting down in the middle of the panel, eyes downturned, looking sad. "Oh no! What's wrong, Cool Teen Mothman?" the narration asks. Cool Teen Mothman answers with little noises, indicated by a speech bubble with varying lines in it. In the second panel, Cool Teen Mothman remains sitting, his wings curled up around him and tears welling in his eyes. "You're lonely? Oh bud, that's rough," the narration continues. "Can you reach out to a friend?" the narration asks. In the third panel, Cool Teen Mothman stands up, his eyes closed and tears sliding down his cheeks, wings sagging down. He answers with little noises like before. "You don't want to bother them?" the narration asks. In the fourth panel, Cool Teen Mothman stands, tiny, in the middle of the panel. The narration asks, "Did you forget?" to which Cool Teen Mothman replies with a question mark. In the fifth panel, the narration concludes "One of the beauties of life is letting those you love show their love for you too!" In the middle of the panel, Cool Teen Mothman jumps with his wings outstretched as another character, a Fresno Nightcrawler with sunglasses, joins him in the frame. In the sixth panel, they hug.

Thanks so much to everyone who stopped by Chicago Zine Fest last Saturday! I am still recouperating from the weekend, so here’s the next Cool Teen Mothman comic that I had at the show! You can get a printable version[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…