Hey all!

This week kind of blew up for me in a myriad of ways, so there’s no proper comic (though, next week’s comic is gonna be pretty tight and in (mostly) full color, so you’ve got that to look forward to), but I was busy in a bunch of other places this week that you might not have seen, so here’s quick update:

I launched a podcast with my friend Anne called Guilty Treasures! You can find it where ever podcasts are found (or on Twitter @treasurescast and here’s a direct link to the Libsyn page!: http://guiltytreasures.libsyn.com) Like it says above, it’s an interview-style podcast where we bring on a guest each episode to talk about a secret passion they have.

I also did a guest comic for Wyatt (who’s done a guest comic for me before, what a cool dude!) about movies and Lord of the Rings (kinda in the spirit of last week’s comic). You can check it out at his website: http://wyattoonscomics.com/

Thank you all again for your patience. I want to bring you guys the best comics that I can make, and sometimes that means it just takes a little more time. Your understanding means the world to me. See you all next week!