What a fuckin’ month, huh. I wrote a bunch of words about these comics, you can read them on my Patreon for two bucks a month.
Archive for comic
sorry for the weird one this week, folks. been…well, a weird week. love you. tell the people in your life you love them too. stay safe out there. wash your hands.
How long have I been ordering alcohol in bars/restaurants/etc? What an incredible question! At least 5 years and no, it hasn’t gotten easier.
Hey, it’s another one of these things! This one is shorter than normal because February was A Lot, but I have a quite a bit to say about these comics in particular. You can read about them if you join[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
A full week of work, still recovering from the stream last week, and making sure to take time to have fun with everyone coming in from out of town means a filler for this week! Comics will return next week,[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Been hard to get back into the swing of things. Thanks for your patience while I try to find my groove again.