A five panel, full color comic. In the first panel, a woodpecker pecks away at a tree loudly. The sky is warm and soft: it's sunrise. In the second panel, an off panel voice shouts "HEY!" The woodpecker turns in surprise at the shout, a sliver of wood in his beak. In the third panel, we see Emily, disheveled and clearly just rolled out of bed, sticking her head out of the open window next to the tree. The bird looks on as she says, haltingly, "It is. 5 A.M." In the fourth panel, we zoom in on Emily's face, increasingly angry, as she shouts, "And city ordinance restricts construction noises until EIGHT." In the fifth panel, the bird flies away, startled by Emily's noise, as she leans out the window shaking her fist and saying "I will call 311 on you so help me god."A five panel, full color comic. In the first panel, a woodpecker pecks away at a tree loudly. The sky is warm and soft: it's sunrise. In the second panel, an off panel voice shouts "HEY!" The woodpecker turns in surprise at the shout, a sliver of wood in his beak. In the third panel, we see Emily, disheveled and clearly just rolled out of bed, sticking her head out of the open window next to the tree. The bird looks on as she says, haltingly, "It is. 5 A.M." In the fourth panel, we zoom in on Emily's face, increasingly angry, as she shouts, "And city ordinance restricts construction noises until EIGHT." In the fifth panel, the bird flies away, startled by Emily's noise, as she leans out the window shaking her fist and saying "I will call 311 on you so help me god."

Sir I appreciate how much of a hard worker you are but I HAVE A WORK-LIFE BALANCE TO MAINTAIN, SIR. 🐦 Thanks as always for reading!