A six panel comic following a character called Cool Teen Mothman, illustrated as a bean-shaped blob with wings, red eyes, fuzzy antenna, and a backwards red baseball cap. The intro panel shows Cool Teen Mothman's head, wings spread out, with a speech bubble with a heart coming out from where his mouth would be. The first panel opens with a sign post stuck into some grass, with writing on it that reads "Cryptid Craft Fair" with an arrow pointing to the right. The narration begins, "Cool Teen Mothman and his friends are having a craft fair today! Let's see what they made!" In the second panel, the Flatwoods Monster stands in front of a table with racks of cards on top of it. "Greeting cards!" the narration observes. In the third panel, Bigfoot, dressed in a green hat and plaid vest, proudly holds up two unlit candles in front of a sandwich board. "Candles!" the narration observes. In the fourth panel, the Fresno Nightcrawler, with a knitted hat of his own on, stands in front of a basket of other knitted hats. "Knitted hats!" the narration observes, adding on, "We don't know how he made those either." In the fifth panel, Cool Teen Mothman stands behind a table, holding up a colorful folded paper. The narration observes, "And Cool Teen Mothman made some zines!" In the sixth panel, the Flatwoods Monster looks over one of Cool Teen Mothman's zines as he excitely stands by. The narration concludes "The best part is sharing art with your friends!"

Hey folks! I’m tabling at Genghis Con this Sunday in Cleveland, Ohio! If you’re in the area, come by and check the show out! I’ll have print copies of all COOL TEEN MOTHMAN comics, Steamed Veggies and About collections, and[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…