I wasn’t lying when I said the next month and a half was gonna be comics about IndyPopCon. I NEVER BREAK MY WORD
Archive for comic
IndyPopCon has come and gone, so you know what that means: a solid two months of comics about the crazy junk that happened at IndyPopCon. This isn’t even the tip of the iceburg, my friends.
Sorry for the lack of proper comic this week! Alex, LiZz, and I are at IndyPopCon this weekend! If you see us, say hi! (Also, I have some NSP and Game Grumps miniprints on me to give away huehuehue) See[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
[The intro to Carly Rae Jepsen’s “Run Away With Me” blares in the distance as I vibrate into space] But HEY, speaking of that new comic, that’s a thing! It’s called Hometown Ghosts, and you can get it on Gumroad[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Jesse’s tried to explain EV training to me multiple times, and it was just in one ear and out the other.
Doctor’s appointment? Yeah, I guess that’s important, but let me tell you about my Dungeon and Dragon podcast speculations instead.
That’s a novelty vuvuzela that I got from Germany during the World Cup. It makes a good (if not fragile) impromptu microphone and air guitar at times.
(Apologies to Lin-Manuel Miranda for stealing his tweet to make a comic. Is it stealing if you attribute the tweet? The laws of the internet are mysterious and ever changing.) Today’s comic comes with another wall of text. Sorry about[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
“emily stop talking about hatoful boyfriend” this is MY COMIC, and I’ll do WHAT I WANT Ok but honestly, I keep being astounded by the quality of writing there is in otome games? I recently started watching Dodger and Octopimp[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…