It’s the Kit-Kat of Nintendo controllers, ok? It’s even the same size. It’s like, Pavlovian, or something.
Archive for comic
As it turns out, I don’t know how to function like a normal human being anymore because my status quo is doing five hundred projects at once and periodically screaming into the floor out of stress.
A bonafide Candlenights miracle. (Here’s the print in question that everyone pressured me to sign the back of: I gave these as gifts to the McElroys at the show! The show in question was amazing and incredible and I miss[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Look. I’m not a party person. I’ve never been a party person. I got so wild at that MaxFunCon East party, you guys. Someone stepped on my foot during Bohemian Rhapsody and I didn’t even care. (Probably the last of[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Thankfully everything was fine, but it is very startling to turn to the right and just see SOMEONE STANDING ON A CAR LIKE THAT, OK. I GET STARTLED EASILY. HEIGHTS ARE TERRIFYING.
“Oh, don’t worry, I’ll be easy to find: I’m a tiny plaid art gremlin.” – An actual phrase I said at MaxFunCon East last weekend. Hope you all are ready for a solid two months of MFCE stories, because I[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Sorry guys, no comic this week: as of this scheduled post, I’m on my way to MaxFunCon East! I’m sure I’ll have a bunch of awesome stories to tell from that (I hopefully plan on making a mini-zine as a[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Someone out there is gonna be like, “Emily, you picked up calling everything “boy” because of all of the MBMBaM and Monster Factory you listen to/watch” and while that’s not totally incorrect, Thiol has been a garbage trash boy long[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Hey! If you’re in the Columbus area, this Friday through Sunday is Matsuricon at the Columbus Convention Center! I’ll be set up in Artist Alley at Table 46: come by and say hi! I’ll have prints, buttons, stickers, physical copies[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…